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Braceworks rigging analysis tool  

A One-Of-A-Kind Tool

The Braceworks® add-on module for Vectorworks Spotlight provides design, production, and rigging professionals with an easy way to gauge the performance of temporary structures under load. This one-of-a-kind module helps ensure safety and compliance with engineering codes and standards, creating a completely integrated modelling, analysis, and documentation process in one interface.

Braceworks calculation overview Kylie Minogue Aphrodite Tour | Design by Nick Whitehouse, Illuminate Entertainment, Inc.

Discover Peace of Mind

Regulatory requirements, such as the Eurocodes, and increasing requirements from venues, municipalities, and building owners, are making it necessary for event design, A/V, and rigging companies to produce load and structure calculations for sign off by structural engineers. Rest assured, Braceworks is a solution you can trust. It was developed in collaboration with DeerSoft GmbH with input from rigging professionals, venue operators, and event planning firms, so we’re confident it will deliver the results you need.

Braceworks FEA Report  

Make Smart Decisions

With Braceworks, you can:

  • Analyse complete 3D structural systems
  • Conduct static analyses and FEM analysis with results that display graphically on the model for easy reference
  • Automatically generate detailed calculation reports
  • Export files as DSTV to easily share information 

Frequently Asked Questions

Braceworks designs to EC3 (steel structures) and EC9 (aluminium structures).

No. Drawings are certified by structural engineers. While the calculation methods behind Braceworks are based on the Finite Element Method, the software does not replace structural certification or stamping. But, it will save you, your team, and your structural engineer tremendous amounts of time by generating the calculations directly from the model instead of by hand. Detailed calculation reports can be created. Models can be exported in DSTV format for collaboration with structural engineers using other FEA software.

We have done benchmark comparisons of calculations from Braceworks with the structural engineering packages Dlubal RSTAB and Scia Engineer. To see the comparison of results, please read this benchmark comparison in the Knowledgebase.

Liability disclaimer: the user of the software is solely responsible for the use of the software product and for the completeness and accuracy of the analysis and design results. The software does not provide certified calculations; certified calculations can be provided only by a licensed structural engineer. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that all loads, forces, connections, and calculations comply with all manufacturer load tables, equipment labels, and engineering specifications. Equipment, structures, designs, and calculations must comply with all applicable standards (for example, ANSI, Eurocodes, etc.) And meet the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK PRODUCT CREATED USING THE SOFTWARE.

Yes. Depending on the types of symbols you have, you may need to follow certain steps to make them Braceworks compatible. Please refer to the online help system for specifics.

Yes. You can select the cross section from our predefined list or create your own custom cross section.

The following Spotlight plug-in objects can be hung on a Braceworks truss: lights, tv, projector screen, blended screen, LED screen, speaker, speaker array, and soft goods. Additionally, generic point loads and distributed loads can have customised geometric representations.

No. Braceworks is an add-on module that can be purchased for use with Vectorworks Spotlight or Design Suite

For pricing and ordering options, please contact our sales team at 02 8338 8622 or your local distributor, which can be found here.

Yes. You can now do Bridle Analysis starting in Braceworks 2019.

Yes. Braceworks provides a PDF report of all the load calculations needed, as well as a DSTV file that structural engineers may use to review the calculations in any structural analysis software.


Vectorworks has included truss content for several truss manufacturers who have agreed to provide the information for use in Braceworks. However, some manufacturers, such as Thomas and Tomcat, are not included in the default content provided at this time. If a manufacturer you wish to have is missing from the default content provided, we recommend you contact those manufacturers to encourage their cooperation. In the meantime, for any content not provided by default, please refer to the online help system for instructions on how to create your own truss content libraries.

No. Braceworks works on the same system requirements as Vectorworks software. Please refer to our system requirements page for the most up-to-date information and system recommendations.

Other users of Vectorworks Spotlight will be able to add objects such as truss, lighting devices, hoists, etc. However, only licenced users of Vectorworks Spotlight with Braceworks will be able to do calculations or reports.

We’re happy to keep you informed and answer your questions about Braceworks. Complete this form to stay in the know or request a demo.

The Braceworks software customer is solely responsible for using this software product and for the completeness and accuracy of the analysis and design results. 

Vectorworks, along with any partners or entities who have supplied data or content as part of the software product, does not guarantee the accuracy of any data provided by the customer or product manufacturer or the calculation results using such data calculations.

The software does not provide certified calculations; certified calculations can be provided only by a licensed structural engineer.

It is the user’s responsibility to verify that all loads, forces, connections, and calculations comply with all manufacturer load tables, equipment labels, and engineering specifications. Equipment, structures, designs, and calculations must comply with all applicable standards (for example, ANSI, Eurocode etc.) and meet the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.


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