ConnectCAD diagram worksheets with amp servers

Manage Connected Systems

With ConnectCAD, you can:

  • Create easy-to-read schematic drawings
  • Diagram rack layouts
  • Work in a hybrid 2D/3D environment
  • Check for errors
  • Create detailed reports
  • Easily make changes

Show producer at A/V consoles PUBG | Courtesy of Live Legends

An Unbeatable Combination

Because ConnectCAD is built on Vectorworks Spotlight, you can take advantage of the flexible and robust design and documentation capabilities that make Spotlight the industry standard. With an extensive manufacturer library and a customisable 2D/3D hybrid environment, rest assured you have everything you need to design with confidence.

back-of-house-crew at work

Greater Collaboration

Use ConnectCAD to work seamlessly not only with the rest of your team, but with event planners and other project stakeholders as well. Collaboration has never been easier. 

New to ConnectCAD?

Getting started with ConnectCAD is easy and it won’t take long to learn the basics, but if you need some help along the way, these tutorials are for you.

Start Now

Frequently Asked Questions

No. ConnectCAD is an add-on module for Vectorworks Spotlight or Design Suite licences.

ConnectCAD is an add-on module built on Vectorworks technology. It cannot be run alone with AutoCAD. However, because Vectorworks offers seamless DXF and DWG file import and export options, you can easily share files between Vectorworks with ConnectCAD and AutoCAD. 

ConnectCAD is available for computers running Mac or Windows operating systems. See Vectorworks system requirements for full details.

ConnectCAD is offered directly from Vectorworks, Inc. in English. For all other languages, please confirm with your local Vectorworks distributor if ConnectCAD has been translated into your local language.

Yes. If you owned a ConnectCAD licence prior to Vectorworks’ acquisition in August 2019, you can upgrade your licence.

If you are on an active Vectorworks Service Select agreement, and own a licence of Vectorworks Fundamentals, you may take advantage of a special offer to upgrade to Vectorworks Spotlight. If you own a licence of Architect, or Landmark, you may take advantage of a special offer to upgrade to Vectorworks Design Suite. For pricing and ordering options, please contact our sales team at 02 8338 8622 or your local distributor

Yes. ConnectCAD network licensing is available with the launch of version 2020. For pricing and ordering options, please contact our sales team at 02 8338 8622 or your local distributor

Yes. ConnectCAD qualifies for subscription licences in markets where Vectorworks subscriptions are available. ConnectCAD is also available for perpetual licences.

ConnectCAD is available to academic institutions as part of the free network lab licence. ConnectCAD is available to students and educators with a free Design Suite 2023 educational licence. Currently, ConnectCAD is not available to students using Design Suite 2022 and older. If you need access to ConnectCAD, please request a new educational licence.

For pricing and ordering options, please contact our sales team at 02 8338 8622 or your local distributor